Kerala is well known for its movies and world famous directors.The Kerala film industry is also growing at a phenomenal rate.Every year a lot of movies hit the theater.The audience are flooded with many movies.There are a good number of movies in malayalam that comes with commercial taste and preference.But i had only a few chance of watching good movies in the theater.Because the good movies never comes to theater.
Therefore when I heard of the movie Before the Rains itself i watched that movie.I would tell it was a thought provoking film.I don't narrate the story of the movie but it was really a kind of movie that narrates the Kerala culture,beliefs and traditions.Santhosh Shivan could bring the originality in the movie using all kinds of traditional beliefs.What attracted me was Bose kissing the burning metal in order to prove his innocence.That scene is marvelously taken with its all beauty.The tourists remember Kerala for its monsoon ie the abundance of the rain.Rain has become theme for many malayalam movies like perumazhakalam.As the title indicates in this movie also rain has a significant role to play.The foreigner has to finish the road construction before the monsoon starts.If monsoon comes it will not be possible for him to complete the work.But he has given monsoon a spiriatual meaning of cleansing.That is why at the end of the movie rain comes to purify him from his defilements.
Movie is also successful in depicting the forgiving nature of Keralites especially and at large the the end of the movie the foreigner is set free by Bose.This is really worthseeing.Rain cleanses both of them.The wife of the foreigner also depicts a moral character.
I would highly recommended that all should watch that movie.