Friday, August 1, 2014

Anchoring script for a Religious Seminar

Welcoming guests to the auditorium
My dear friends the chief guests and the dignitaries have reached here. In two minutes of time they will walk in. Therefore I request you to be silent.
Please stand up and welcome the dignitaries with a rhythmic applause.
A warm good morning to each and everyone and hearty welcome to twenty second Venerable Fr. Zacharias memorial Lectures.
I wish you that today and tomorrow be an expedition to the spiritual richness and valuable contributions of Venerable Fr. Zacharias OCD and an exploration of the Indian Christian theology and Philosophy.
Once a Wiseman asked why we have so many churches if God is everywhere?
An ordinary man replied air is everywhere but we still need a fan to feel it.
Hearts lifted up ears tuned to the sacred melody, let us stand for the prayer. May I invite the Mangalappuzha choir to lead us in prayer.
Thank you dear friends for awakening in us the sense of the sacred.
The presence of eminent personalities makes the auditorium shine like a galaxy. The PIA acknowledges and value your esteemed presence. May I invite V. Rev. Dr………….to deliver welcome address.
Thank you dear Father for your sweet and well knit words of welcome.
For His Beatitude Mar George Cardinal Alenchery each visit to this campus would be a homecoming. We are privileged to have His Beatitude amidst us. May I invite with due respect you Beatitude to light the lamp and to declare the lectures open by delivering inaugural address.
Our thanks are due to you Your Beatitude for the beautiful and detailed portrait of Venerable Fr. Zacharias OCD’s life and his contributions and making a clarion call to be different in the era of New Evangelisation.
Book Release
It has become customary that each function in PIA offers to the faithful good books and for a faithful Christian life. May I have the pleasure to invite Rev. Dr. Chacko Puthenpurackal to introduce the books.
“If only prayer you said in your  whole life “thank you” that would suffice.” said Meister Eckhart. Realising that no duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks. May I invite Rev. Dr. Martin Kallungal to propose vote of thanks.

The Christian say the most beautiful, theologically dense and small “angelus” thrice a day to sanctify the temporal time remembering the incarnation, passion, death and resurrection of  Jesus Christ. Kindly stand to recite the Angelus.